29 March 2013

HBTV : Modern Day Artisans

Hypebeast--a fashion, art, design and music online magazine--has a series of videos they put out that features artists of all kinds. Entitled Modern Day Artisans, the latest of the series is shown above and features Andrew Groves, the man behind Miscellaneous Adventures

To view the entire Modern Day Artisans series, click here.

Haruomi Hosono - Sports Men

28 March 2013


My farfar, Erik Sogaard

Mix and Roll

Damn, it felt good yesterday for the warmth to spread over the land, for the sun to shine bright, and for my legs to carry me around town! It is one of my favorite things ever- springtime jogging. The sidewalk puddles, freshness of air, increase of people out n aboot, music blaring through open windows... it is aaall. so. good.

So in connection with Spring awakening and good energy, I share a simple and healthy snack/dessert recipe to have on hand:

No Bake Energy Bites

1/2 C. peanut butter (creamy or chunky, you can have whatever you like)

1/3 C. honey
1 C. dry oatmeal
1/4 C. ground flax seed
1/4 C. sunflower seeds
1/4 C. dark chocolate chips or morsels 
1/4 C. dried cranberries
1 tsp. vanilla extract

1.) Using a medium sized bowl, mix peanut butter and honey.

2.) Add oatmeal, flax seed, and sunflower seeds. Keep mixing-
3.) I prefer breaking down the chocolate and cranberries a bit before adding them to the mix. To do so, throw both in a food processor with a bit of olive oil for 10 seconds and that'll do. 
4.) Lastly, add the vanilla extract and then chill the mix in the refrigerator for a 1/2 hour. Once chilled, shape them however you want and that's that! Store in an air-tight container in the refrigerator and they'll last for up to 2 weeks. 


27 March 2013

Somebody Pinch Me

I would pull my own teeth out for a shirt with this on it  • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 

24 March 2013

Sunday Morning

I was given the suggestion to exchange vodka for akvavit (potato schnapps) in a Bloody Mary, and I've done just that this morning. "Tastes like a reuben in liquid form," they said. Tastes like that indeed. Add that celery, celery salt, and speared pickle or olive, and let your head be soothed. FIVE STARS!

Dave Grohl - SXSW Keynote Speech

21 March 2013

This Morning

• Going into the day with this in mind and the sun rising on my back. There is a giant hooded shadow on the wall ahead of me as I sit here in a giant hooded sweatshirt. 

• Check out my friend Melissa's blog Craft Rambler. She is a fantastic DIY-er and has a style of intricate quality and a color palette that sinGs!

20 March 2013

Inside For Recess

Subbed in a 2nd grade classroom the other day, and since I didn't have recess duty, two students stayed in with me and practiced their addition. They added up to 1,316,209 and were psyched about it. "Will you leave this up please? Everyone's jaws will be on the floor after they see THIS." The photos above show their victory drawings.  

After they re-filled their desks with rosy cheeks, we talked about zebra butts, how farting is natural for all of us, and that it is not OK to spread Who Has a Crush on Who rumors.     

18 March 2013

15 March 2013

The Role of Women in Public Art

International Women's Day was one week ago. Continue celebrating, always. Read about and view public art lead by women from Brazil, the United States, Afghanistan, and Tunisia • • • The Role of Women in Public Art

14 March 2013

Ms. Fix The Doily

Got another gem from my grandma a few weeks ago - this large doily table cover! There were many rips and holes that I repaired, yet some still remain, along with a few aged-brown spots. Can't repair it all! 

Only on special sunny days I'll hang it at my window for the intricate shadows. Since our cat likes my window as a perch, Ill also hire a guard for my bedroom door on these days because of his dangerous claws and all. And eventually, I'd like to put this cover in my future apartment over cat-perch-less windows, on my couch, or I'd like to find a GiGAnTiC frame and mount it on a sun lit wall. 

10 March 2013

My Moon Sisters

Saturday morning Skype-ing with my Moon Sisters (mom, sister, cousin).  



09 March 2013

My Sister

My sister, Katrina, in Chicago. Photo by her husband and my brother, Joel. 

07 March 2013

Emma van Leest

The magnificent paper cuts of Emma van Leest! Visit her website here.

"My mother taught me to sew when I was quite young, and since then I’ve enjoyed the repetitive and meditative nature of hand-scale sewing.  Over time I became aware of the feminine traditions which I was connecting to, in particular the transformative nature of handicrafts – the potential to transform an everyday and normal object or material, such as plain cotton, paper or wool, into something beautiful, valuable and useful that would be treasured for generations.
Paper cutting is the perfect embodiment of this idea.  The skill is developed over time, through the repetition of many thousands of cuts.  In India, paper cutting is practised by a small group of artisans whose families have been the custodians of the skills and knowledge for generations.  Their practice is bedded in devotion to the Hindu god Krishna, so everything they do in their daily working becomes an act of devotion by default.  In the same way, I began to find my own practice, involving many solitary hours of careful and painstaking cutting to be an embodiment of my devotion to the act of creating, and in particular, of creating something beautiful from the everyday.
Paper was invented to tell stories, so it is the perfect medium to convey my fantastical imaginings.  What began as a collage project became miniature theatre sets and evolved to what I do today.  I collect imagery from a variety of sources – gardening magazines, medieval illustrations, Baroque landscape paintings, Chinese and Indian comic books, Mughal and Persian miniatures – and create fantastical montages of imagined fairy worlds."
 - Emma van Leest

I'm Waving at You