28 March 2013

Mix and Roll

Damn, it felt good yesterday for the warmth to spread over the land, for the sun to shine bright, and for my legs to carry me around town! It is one of my favorite things ever- springtime jogging. The sidewalk puddles, freshness of air, increase of people out n aboot, music blaring through open windows... it is aaall. so. good.

So in connection with Spring awakening and good energy, I share a simple and healthy snack/dessert recipe to have on hand:

No Bake Energy Bites

1/2 C. peanut butter (creamy or chunky, you can have whatever you like)

1/3 C. honey
1 C. dry oatmeal
1/4 C. ground flax seed
1/4 C. sunflower seeds
1/4 C. dark chocolate chips or morsels 
1/4 C. dried cranberries
1 tsp. vanilla extract

1.) Using a medium sized bowl, mix peanut butter and honey.

2.) Add oatmeal, flax seed, and sunflower seeds. Keep mixing-
3.) I prefer breaking down the chocolate and cranberries a bit before adding them to the mix. To do so, throw both in a food processor with a bit of olive oil for 10 seconds and that'll do. 
4.) Lastly, add the vanilla extract and then chill the mix in the refrigerator for a 1/2 hour. Once chilled, shape them however you want and that's that! Store in an air-tight container in the refrigerator and they'll last for up to 2 weeks. 



Adam said...

why didn't i get to try any of these?!?

Kirsten.Sogaard said...

haha, you were too late. mom took this batch to the office. make 'em sometime why don-cha!

Patti Luksetich said...

I finally got around to making these, Kirsten, and they are yummy. I shared some with Jenna who agrees about the taste but wasn't thrilled with my shapes. I wanted them to be more than a bite or I'd eat too many at once. So they are like little logs. Still, this recipe is a keeper. Thanks for sharing.

Kirsten.Sogaard said...

Glad to hear, Patti! I knew you'd enjoy them. The texture allows for sculpting different shapes, which is fun. I'm using your log idea for next time...