24 January 2014

Please Be Quiet, I'm Very Interesting

Back and forth, bouncing between fiddling around at my desk and crouching at eye-level with Fang as she sleeps so soundly on the couch-- one half of her growing body on my fleece volleyball blanket, the other on a pillow from my grandma's basement couch that resembles a Dorito. Yum! I'm between desk and couch on account of this one fur swirl above her right eye, of the white tipped black hairs that cover her forehead, of her twitching nose and mouth that I just can't stop giggling at.

Finally we have the internet at our apartment after not having a connection for nearly two months. So, tonight is dedicated to catching up on plenty of youtube clips, sipping Manhattans in honor of my Grandma Julie for her 81st birthday, and listening to albums that bring me back to those truly great emotional outbursts. Cold Chicago winds are harsh out my window and MORE SNOW is falling. I was warned about Chicago in the wintertime. I am channeling my inner arctic, vodka chugging husky. What else can I write about? I want to proudly report and show you pieces I've created since checking in last, but I don't have any. It's been a month of having a lot more time on my hands than usual, more time to myself. More time for reading, taking walks, taking too long to write a grocery list, hanging with Katrina and Joel, sweeping up sidewalk salt, encouraging Fang's Parkour hobby, and going out and laughing with my girlfriends. 

Today's been a day of straight love and thought. It's been a day of coming to a greater acceptance of my brother's death. Three years have passed since his accident but I tell you, I haven't remembered his laugh so clearly as I have today. 

1 comment:

vacationsover said...

Love that you're back, and love you!