18 January 2013

End of a Week

Currently holding down the front desk at the newspaper my mom works at while the whole office gang is out for a meeting. Bring on the telephone calls and visitors! 

Since I've graduated, I'll soon be subbing in the local district and hopefully doing some waitressing. In the meantime, I've been using my time wisely: watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, deer-watching/feeding, and buffing up via my parents' home-gym. This time has also spurred me to start painting again, so as you can see above, i'm finishing a piece I started last spring. I'm looking forward to sharing more paintings on here, and I see this as a motivation for me to keep getting my brushes out. 

Also posted above are some treats I brought back from my grandma's after spending yesterday afternoon with her. She told me she's in a "get-rid-of-it-all" mode, so I took it upon myself to help her out. The necklaces and bowls were owned by my great-grandmothers and by my grandparents when they lived in KY, and the stationery/stickers by my aunts when they were little. It is an honor to now own these pieces, and I especially look forward to displaying the celery bowl on my future living room table. 

Last thing: Now I know I have a weekly blog reader-ship of about 30 views, and who knows if one person is responsible for all these views (Katrina?!), but regardless, if you enjoy my bloggity blog or like viewing my content often, leave me a comment on this post whether I know you or not, and say hi. Share your blog address with me if you have one. And if you'd like to do a creative exchange of sorts (mail/email), let me know. I have a lot of time on my hands right now! 


Adam said...

I don't have a blog, but this one's cool, http://bargainbinblasphemy.tumblr.com/
also, HIIIII!!!!

Kirsten.Sogaard said...

Whoa! Fantastic blog. Best I've seen in a while. Thanks for sharing, Adam. HHIII back!