I'm not Down with the Sickness
Been home from school for two days because of the nastiest cold I've ever had. It's been a while since I've felt a sickness affect so many parts of my body! Like, a sickness where you lay down and stare off, feeling yourself drifting into another world. Mind warp! I've also had a slight allergic reaction to a medicine I took and two hives have popped up on my cheek. They're actually kind of cute -- like two little red stickers I put on my face.
Yesterday I watched "Some Kind of Wonderful" and painted my nails. Today I watched "Jiro Dreams of Sushi", felt exhausted and pained by cuteness watching my year-&-a-half cousin Jack run around, and then I took a walk in the baggiest sweatpants.
Tomorrow I WILL be healthy enough to teach and play in the high school's dodge-ball game (it's Homecoming week). Here are some photos of what's been going on at school:
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